Saturday, April 09, 2011



I will post regular articles on the meanings of positive words from my book, The Positive Dictionary. Please feel welcome to post any comments on these articles as well as sharing your views on a positive approach to life.

Here is the first article: 

The Meaning of the word ‘Accept’

What is success? Can we say that a heart surgeon is more successful than the CEO of a big company, or that an outstanding hockey player is more successful than an Oscar winning actor? Is a student graduating from university more successful than a student graduating from high school?

The answer is categorically, ‘No!’ They are all equally successful! They have each set a goal and reached their goal. Success is an individual matter and is measured by the extent to which we reach our own goals, independently from other people’s goals. There is no need to be envious of other people’s success. It is what we do to reach our own goals that really matter.

Nothing worthwhile can be achieved without clear goals and a desire to attain those goals. In the beginning we tend to dream about our goals, to fantasize, to visualize. Once a goal has been clearly set and committed to it is important to start planning and to work to attain the goal.

We must accept that no goal, however small or big, can be attained without effort, without work, sacrifices and late hours, without sweat and even pain. There will be challenges, uncertainties, setbacks, disappointments and pain on our way towards our goal. No road towards a goal is smooth and easy. In fact there will be potholes and sharp turns, crossroads and dead ends because the road to success is always under construction.

Henry Ford said that many people did not realize how close they were to success when they stopped.

The point is that nothing is achieved without effort. We tend to complain about the effort, and everything associated with it, instead of accepting the effort and looking beyond that to the end result, the attainment of the goal and the fulfillment of a dream.

The final attainment of the goal is just a moment in time for celebrating the final success. It is on the journey towards success where we experience the excitement of a positive attitude and the satisfaction of small successes in overcoming the obstacles in our path. These small successes all contribute to reaching the final goal. It is on these
journeys that we experience life and what it means to live to the full.

Accepting that effort is necessary does indeed clear the way for action and final success. 

Copies of The Positive Dictionary in hard cover and in ebook form as well as other ebooks are available from Phil's website.

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